4×4×4 Led Cube I hope, this project will help you to make something interesting Tools Sprint Layout 60 (circuit designer) Iron Copper clad circuit board Printer Thermal heat transfer paper Hydrochloric acid Hydrogen peroxide Drilling machine Laser pri A reduced 4×4 may look, smell, feel, and function (in almost all respects) like a 3×3 equivalent But how you get from 24 center cubies to 6 combined centers (OLL parity), and from 24 edges to 12 combined dedges (PLL parity), determines whether the resulting 3×3 analogue is in a state that could be achieved on a 3×3Flip the cube when the 4 edges on the top side are all paired up Repeat step 1 for the unsolved edges (now flipped to top side) until the remaining 4 edges are all paired up Algorithm3 TU' R U R' TU If the last 2 edge pairs can not be solved, apply algorithm 4
4*4 cube parity